Note: you need a valid SDK license as well.
tftp and launchctl on MacOSX -> tftp via launchtl on Mac. put ( results, False, 10 ) except : pass barcodeScanning = Process ( target = process_barcode_frame, args = ( license, frameQueue, resultQueue )) barcodeScanning. After installing Python on Windows or MacOS, the installer makes sure that. IPF_RGB_888 ) except BarcodeReaderError as error : print ( error ) try : resultQueue. tobytes (), frameWidth, frameHeight, frame. get ( False, 10 ) if type ( frame ) is str : break except : continue try : frameHeight, frameWidth, channel = frame. Ubuntu: Missing REQUIRED dependency: python3-dbus how to install python dependencies (2 Solutions)Helpful Please support me on Patreon. update_runtime_settings ( settings ) while True : results = None try : frame = frameQueue. init_license ( license ) settings = reader. View build log: Windows (64-bit) 0.1: Available View build log: Mac OS X (10.5+) 0.1: Available.
DBus module for samurai-x INSTALL> pypm install sx-dbus How to install sx-dbus. Reader = BarcodeReader () # Apply for a trial license: Create your free Platform account to download ActivePython or customize Python with the packages you. From dbr import * from multiprocessing import Process, Queue def process_barcode_frame ( license, frameQueue, resultQueue ): # Create Dynamsoft Barcode Reader